Yeah, trying to restart this blog that I started last year. Not that I wrote a lot in it to begin with, but I just liked writing things down in a place that can be found. Not private things, mind you. But things that I would like to share, like my beliefs and how I want to make them stronger. Who knows...maybe there's someone out there that needs to read what I write. I'm also trying to get better at using this as this will most likely be my way of documenting my travels to India later this summer for my field-school. And my way of letting friends and family know what's going on with me in India.
So...this is what a lot of this post will be about. Just getting caught up a little on things and getting this ready for more posts in the future.
I have recently gotten into watching the Vlogbrothers on youtube. It's run by two brothers, Hank and John Green. They are amazing and hilarious and it's a great way to unwind at night. It's basically about Hank and John talking to each other back and forth through videos on youtube as well as other websites that I haven't explored as of yet. John is an author and he has written several books, including The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Paper Towns. He's also written one with David Levithan. I've only read The Fault in Our Stars and I LOVED it! It's one of my goals to read some of his other books.
Hank Green on the other hand is someone who "does all the jobs!" He runs VidCon, writes songs, and several other things that I'm not really sure about. But their videos are awesome and I love watching them.
Anyway, besides Vlogbrothers, there's not much else going on. I've started my second to last semester of school. I have this, my field-school in the summer, and then fall semester and then I'll be done. Well...that's the best case scenario. Worst case is that I'll be graduating in April of 2015 instead of December of 2014. We'll just have to see how that goes though.
Now about my field-school. I'll be going to India, as I stated earlier, but more specifically, Vizag. It has another name, but it is really complicated and I don't know how to spell it, so it's just easier this way. While there, I will be doing my own research on what it is that I want to research. What this means is that I will be getting field-work experience before I'm even graduated, so YAY me! The way that I understand it, not a lot of other colleges/universities do it like this so I have a unique opprotunity as well as having a leg up on the rest of the other Anthropology graduates when it comes to graduate school application time.
Anyway, that's about all that has gone on since I last wrote. Well, that and there was another General Conference. I have several favorite talks, I just need to go through them again so that I can write about them here. That's another thing, I'm going to try and be more faithful about writing about my spiritual experiences. Maybe that way I can become just a little bit closer to my Heavenly Father.
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
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