Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Disney's Frozen is NOT About Homosexuality!

Well...okay, it might be. But that is not the reason to bash it and say that it is teaching your children horrible things! Yet, this is what this blog has stated, and for some reason, it has really, REALLY pissed me off!

My thing with what this blogger has stated is that the advocacy of homosexuality is prevalent throughout Frozen and that this is something horrible. That is her opinion, and I respect that she has this opinion. What I don't respect is that she is saying this about a children's movie that has, in my opinion, multiple meanings. She has given it only the one meaning and doesn't seem to be at all open to it being about other things, such as Elsa finally being able to be herself, and not locking herself away. She is able to love herself and her power! She doesn't have to be afraid. And in my opinion, this is a great message to anyone who needs to hear it, be them boy, girl, young, or old.

Now, I'm not saying that homosexuality isn't being stated in this movie. In fact, I don't care if it is. What I care about is that people are only giving this wonderful movie the one meaning. If you would read this blog, you can see my point. Or what I'm trying to make as my point. That good movies, art, music, anything really should have multiple meanings. The more meanings that people can find in a movie, or any other piece of art, means that it is able to speak to multiple groups of people. So yes, Frozen can be about homosexuality and embracing who you are. It can also be about finally accepting that you are not a certain type of person that you have tried to be and you have come to terms with just being yourself! How many young girls need to hear this message? Or just people in general? How many need to hear that they can just let it go and just be themselves, however they perceive themselves to be?

And yes, I am also Mormon, like the first blogger. I'm not trying to bash her...much. And if I am, I'm sorry, I'm really trying not to, just voicing my opinion just like she is. I'm just not happy with the way she has presented her opinions is all. All I can ask is that everyone be open to other's opinions, as I'm trying to do so, and respect those opinions. But also realize that your opinion, when coming from a well known culture (Mormonism) can paint an ugly picture for the rest of us in that culture. So...just be open-minded to what others think and know that what you type can be seen by a lot of people. 

So, enjoy these clips! I love them and I believe in that we can just be ourselves and be happy doing so.



Monday, February 17, 2014

Kinship, Gender, and Adoption

Hey everyone! Just a brief post on something that I'm working on right now. I'm in a class called Kinship and Gender for my Anthropology major, and we're going through adoption right now in the curriculum. And we were assigned to watch an episode of Adoption on the Hallmark Channel. And the episode that I am watching at the moment is called "Vietnam Journey/Generations of Hope."

I'm very much interested in Asia and the ideas the culture that they grow up in. As I'm married, I'm also interested in having my own family. I know that this is a blog that not many pay attention to or even one that many can see, but for me this is a bit of a place where I can tell my fears. One of my fears is that I will not be able to have children with my husband. It's something that I don't really think about often, nor is it something that I have mentioned to my husband. Yet, at the same time I'm not all that worried. My Heavenly Father will look out for us, and He will help us when it comes to children. If we can have children of our own, then I will thank my Heavenly Father and do all that I can to believe that I can be a great mother! But if we are unable to have our own children, and this is a slim chance at that, then we can adopt.

If it does come to adoption, then I would like to adopt from either the reservation where my dad grew up or from Asia. I know, extremely different  places, but that is what I would want. 

So yeah...that's what's been going through my mind right now. It's not a lot, and it's a very unfounded fear, but it does help me a bit to be able to write it out. Thanks for listening to me, those of you that are.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dusting Off the Past

Yeah, trying to restart this blog that I started last year. Not that I wrote a lot in it to begin with, but I just liked writing things down in a place that can be found. Not private things, mind you. But things that I would like to share, like my beliefs and how I want to make them stronger. Who knows...maybe there's someone out there that needs to read what I write. I'm also trying to get better at using this as this will most likely be my way of documenting my travels to India later this summer for my field-school. And my way of letting friends and family know what's going on with me in India.

So...this is what a lot of this post will be about. Just getting caught up a little on things and getting this ready for more posts in the future.

I have recently gotten into watching the Vlogbrothers on youtube. It's run by two brothers, Hank and John Green. They are amazing and hilarious and it's a great way to unwind at night. It's basically about Hank and John talking to each other back and forth through videos on youtube as well as other websites that I haven't explored as of yet. John is an author and he has written several books, including The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Paper Towns. He's also written one with David Levithan. I've only read The Fault in Our Stars and I LOVED it! It's one of my goals  to read some of his other books.

Hank Green on the other hand is someone who "does all the jobs!" He runs VidCon, writes songs, and several other things that I'm not really sure about. But their videos are awesome and I love watching them.

Anyway, besides Vlogbrothers, there's not much else going on. I've started my second to last semester of school. I have this, my field-school in the summer, and then fall semester and then I'll be done. Well...that's the best case scenario. Worst case is that I'll be graduating in April of 2015 instead of December of 2014. We'll just have to see how that goes though.

Now about my field-school. I'll be going to India, as I stated earlier, but more specifically, Vizag. It has another name, but it is really complicated and I don't know how to spell it, so it's just easier this way. While there, I will be doing my own research on what it is that I want to research. What this means is that I will be getting field-work experience before I'm even graduated, so YAY me! The way that I understand it, not a lot of other colleges/universities do it like this so I have a unique opprotunity as well as having a leg up on the rest of the other Anthropology graduates when it comes to graduate school application time.

Anyway, that's about all that has gone on since I last wrote. Well, that and there was another General Conference. I have several favorite talks, I just need to go through them again so that I can write about them here. That's another thing, I'm going to try and be more faithful about writing about my spiritual experiences. Maybe that way I can become just a little bit closer to my Heavenly Father.

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Growing Up...

Yeah, I'm going to do a lame "I feel weird thinking about my birthday" speel. But that's the thing though. I do feel just a bit weird thinking about my birthday. It's coming up within the next week and I'll be 21 years old. That's kind of odd to think of. It's like I haven't had enough life experience on this earth to be 21 years old yet, but here I am, turning 21 and still feeling like a teenager. At times I still feel like I'm 18 and then I remember that was three years ago. I'm no longer 18. I'm no longer a college freshman looking for my own place in the world and I'm no longer alone.

Three years ago I never would have thought that I would be married by the time I was 21. I never thought
that I would be graduating in about a year and a half and so many other things. It's amazing to think about how much I've changed in these past few years and yet I don't fee like I've changed at all. I'm still Ashley, I'm still the girl that grew up in a small town area, graduated high school with honors and somehow made it to BYU for college. But there are things about me that have definitely changed. I'm much more willing to try out styles of clothing that I could have immediately dismissed in high school. And I do know that I'm more...relaxed? Open? I'm not sure what the word for it is, but I am much more...myself, I guess. The person I might have allowed myself to be if I wasn't trying so hard to be different from everyone else in my family. Yes, I will admit, moving away from my family did help with the loosening up of who I had made myself to be in high school. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my family to pieces, but to move away from them did help me with some things in my personality that I had some problems with.
Some of my friends and I
our senior year of high school

Looking back, people always say that you have perfect vision. And I will agree with them. To an extent anyway. Looking back at my life when I was living with my family and looking at life now, I would say that there are some things that I might change, but I'm not sure I would. Who I was then has helped in making me into I am now. As you can see, who I was then, (look at said picture on left) a girl who hid behind others a bit, a girl who would gladly let others have center stage. At least, that is how I saw myself.

Richard and I now

Looking at myself now though, I can see that I'm more outgoing, and more willing to do things with groups than I was in high school. A way that I can tell that I've changed is one of my friends from church told me something. She said that I "intrigued" her, just because of how I dressed. When I asked her how this was, she said it was because I don't dress fully Mormon. And I don't. I don't dress like a Molly Mormon at all. So I was actually really glad that she said that. I mean, I still dress to meet modesty standards, but I don't dress how you would expect a Molly Mormon to dress. I'm actually glad for that as well. I don't want to dress like a Molly, as I am not a Molly Mormon. Not at all. Here's a picture of what I look like now, as compared back in high school. For one thing, I'm much more willing to dye my hair all sorts of awesome colors. I wasn't that willing to do so in high school. And I dress more like myself than I did in high school. I like how I dress now moreso than I did in high school as well.

So I guess in growing up these past three years, I've become more of how I am supposed to be and less of what my image of what I thought I should be. I like who I am now. Growing up has been interesting and I look forward to continue doing so. As long as I can still act like a kid every once in a while. What's the point of growing up if I can't still act like a kid? ;)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Helping Others

It's been a while since I last wrote. It seems that I had gotten into the habit of writing and posting on Mondays. I just wanted to post a small snippet on some things that I have learned these past few months. To help others is to do good. Even when you yourself are in the worst of moods, helping someone, even just a little bit, can always lighten your mood.

In the house above us, there lives a little old lady named Phylinda. These past few months, I have been helping her learn how to better use her computer and her new smart phone. This is really the first time that I would really get to know someone that wasn't my age, and not of my family. She has so many amazing stories to tell and there are many times when I have come to wish that I could record her stories. There have been times when I would wonder why I was helping her. But it was what would happen at the end of each session that I would remember why I was helping her. Phylinda would turn to look at me and say "I'm always so thankful that you're willing to help me. I don't want to be sanctimonious, but you've been like a guardian angel to me, and I've been so thankful that you and your husband decided to live here. You've been such a help to me and I hope that I have been some help to you in return."

Now, just so you remember, I don't help her for the glory of it. I help her because it's what I wanted to do. So on the days I forgot WHY I was helping her, to hear her say those few words always made me grateful that I could help her. Phylinda is trying to integrate herself in the use of all the technology that I have grown up with. What it nearly instinctual to me is a struggle for her. But she keeps trudging on and trying to learn all that she can. What I can do to help I'm willing to do. The bad thing though is that now that school is out for the summer now, I don't have as much time to help her as hours at my job have increased. And it kind of makes me sad that I'm unable to see her as often as I did. Though there should be a time hopefully that I can see her and help her again.

Now while this example of helping others is extremely close to home for me, there is another that I have that is quite dear to my heart. I have a friend out on her mission right now. She is my ABSOLUTE best friend in the world. There are seriously times, when she was still here, that I had thought we were soul twins. But seeing as she is now on her mission, it feels like I've lost my sister. Yes, we do write, quite often actually, and I've sent her a package, but it's not the same. Yet, I know that what she is doing is worth both of us feeling like we are missing something from our lives. She is helping others realize what my dad realized nearly 11 years ago. That while they may be satisfied with how their lives are right now, there is so much more to be realized with the gospel. Yes, it is hard and yes, there will be disappointments, but it is all worth it if she and her companions bring even just one soul to our Saviour. And I'm proud of her. And I'm kind of jealous of her at the same time. I was told all while I was growing up that I would make a great missionary. But then I met Richard. And while I DO NOT regret marrying him, I almost wish that I could have also gone on a mission. But when we're older, I do believe that Richard and I will go on a couple's mission. :)

Our Refuge and Strength by Morgan Weistling

So yeah...those are my thoughts of the helping of others. And a bit of advice. While it takes nothing to walk on by someone and not think if they need help, you feel so much better when you offer to help someone, especially when they cannot help you in return. Our Saviour was always willing to help those in need. He is our refuge and strength, if we but turn to Him and do as He would do. :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Obedience to Law is Liberty

Hi again! So, as some people know, I've been writing about spiritual experiences, or trying to at least. And I have a new one to add here. :) It's not often that I have an experience that I want to write about, or I do and I forget to write about it till I've forgotten what it was about. Not this time though!

So just yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting in my ward. Mind you, I don't mind talking in front of large crowds. This was my first talk in several years though that was actually planned out and that I had to give. The last time I gave a talk like this was when I was in debate my senior year of high school. I got to say though, it went pretty well. The one thing about giving talks in church though is that I tend to get a little emotional, so I was crying a little by the end of my talk. But I wasn't full on crying, just a few tears were leaking out.

Anyway, what my talk was about was obedience. Bishop Stone asked me if I would talk on obedience, some things from conference, and some personal experiences that I have had with obedience. I agreed, and I already had an idea of what it was that I would be talking about. As the week went by without my preparing for my talk, I would think of things which I would like to speak about, but then they would just leave my mind. So in walks Saturday night. I still hadn't written my talk yet and I still only had a vague idea on what I wanted to talk about. So I started writing things down that I wanted to talk about. It may not seem like I was actually doing anything, but just having a bunch of writing on a certain subject helps me focus on what I want to write about. One of the things that I had written down was where the title of this post came from. the title of Elder L. Tom Perry's talk from this recent General Conference. He talked how obedience to the laws that we are given is what will bring us happiness.

Now that may seem a little backwards to some people, to me it makes sense. It's like obey the rules your parents lay down for you so you don't get grounded. Actually....it's a lot like that. You obey our Heavenly Father's commandments, you will be able to return to live with him again. For those of you who want to listen to his talk, or read it, you can follow this link --> Obedience to Law is Liberty to lds.org to listen.

So I talked about Elder Perry's talk for a bit, and I also talked a bit about a scripture that came to my mind right before I got up to speak. It was Alma 57: 20-21. It's about the 2000 Stripling Warriors of Helaman's Army and how they learned obedience from their mothers. They learned to obey with FAITH. After I explained the story of the Stripling Warriors, I added my own experience. I spoke of how my own mother taught me to obey the law of tithing.
Momma, Alex, and me. Don't we just look lovely? :)

Now while it may not seem like a lot to some people, but for me, this has had a HUGE impact on my faith. I have always paid my tithing, ever since I can remember. I may not always pay it on time, but I make sure to always pull ten percent out of my paychecks to pay tithing first, before I use the money for anything else. While I was still living at home, I didn't really see any immediate blessings from obeying this law. Once I came out to Utah for school though, I started seeing the blessings. I haven't once had to take out a loan, or go into any form of debt to pay for school. I also haven't had to ask my parents for any money, AT ALL, especially as they need the money more than I do at the moment seeing as my younger sister is to be married in August. My school has paid for my tuition and I get Pell Grants every semester in order to pay for other items. This I know has come about because of my willing obedience to the law of tithing. This has greatly increased my faith in knowing that my Heavenly Father is definitely looking out for me, and my husband as well. This great increase in faith came only because I obeyed the law like my momma taught me. All of that extra money wouldn't have helped as much as my Heavenly Father has. And I KNOW that for a fact!

Monday, April 22, 2013

General Conference Pt. 2

Here's the second part of General Conference that I promised you. Well, those of you that read this anyway.

So, my other favorite talk from General Conference was that of Elder Enrique Falaballa's, titled The Home: The School of Life. It was basically about how in life, there is a school for parents. There is a school in which we learn how to raise our own children. It is the home that we ourselves grew up in. How are families raised us is a guideline on how we are to raise our children. And I agree that our homes of our childhood's is where can learn how to raise our future children.

Elder Falaballa gave six points on how this was to be accomplished:

1) The Temple is the Place

Mount Timpanogos Temple
This is the temple where my husband, Richard, and I were married and sealed for time and all eternity. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful temples our church has to offer. This more so because of what happened here for my husband and I. Elder Falaballa speaks of his own marriage. He told of how the civil ceremony for he and his wife was both happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because he was married to the love of his life. Sad though, because while there were married, they were married for the expiration date "till death do us part." 

After their civil ceremony, Elder Falaballa and his wife then made the sacrifice to travel to the Mesa Arizona temple where they were then sealed for time and all eternity. It is when we obey the commandments of the gospel that we are able to receive blessings from God. Elder Fallabala and his wife were able to return to Guatemala after their temple sealing due to the generosity of the ward they visited as well as their obedience to the commandment to be sealed.

2) To Contend, You Need Two People
"To contend you need two people, and I will never be one of them." This is one of Blanquy, Elder Falaballa's wife, mottoes for their marriage. And it's a good one. One that I'm not very good at yet. I still take offense at some of the smallest of things, especially things that I shouldn't be taking offense at. This is definitely something that I need to work on.

3) A Child Who Sings is a Happy Child
Another one of Blanquy's mottoes. A child who sings is a child who is happy in their home, especially when that music that is sung is sacred music. The Lord knows the importance of sacred music, and He rejoices when He hears the song of the righteous. When it comes to music there has always been a passage of scripture that comes to my mind, "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." Cookies to anyone that can tell me where this scripture is. :)

Anyway, sacred music in the home is what will make the home a happier place. And it helps to know that when you have children, you wouldn't want them listening to to something that would make your own mother blush.

4) I Need You to Hug Me
There are very few things, words, or gestures that can turn a bad, horrible, terrible, nasty day into a good one and they are the ones that your significant other tell you nearly all the time. "I love you," "thank you very much," "forgive me," and even the phrase "I need a hug," can make everything just the tiniest bit better. I know this to be true and I know that even just asking for a hug can make the blackest days just a bit brighter. Expressing love is the way to show that we care for the others, and that doesn't even have to take words. The simplest touch, the smallest note of affection, these are greatest ways that we can show how much we love one another. And we learn this in the home first.

5) I Love the Book of Mormon and My Saviour, Jesus Christ
We have been given the challenge many times in our church to read through the Book of Mormon front to back, back to front, sideways and to STUDY the Book of Mormon. This precious book is another testament and witness of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We are meant to read this along with our study of the Holy Bible as well. It is when we are able to find joy in reading the scriptures that we are able to love both the scriptures and our Saviour.

And we are to the final point of Elder Falaballa's talk:

6) It Is Not Enough to Know the Scriptures; We Have to Live Them
It is not enough that we study the scriptures, but we also have to LIVE them. Yes, there may be many of us who are able to quote scriptures backwards and forwards, but that means nothing if we are not living what we studying. I once heard of a quote stating something along the lines if you say one thing yet live another, you are a hypocrite. So yes, it is good, great even to know the scriptures and their stories. But it is even better to live what the scriptures tells us as well.

All of these points that Elder Falaballa have told us this past conference have made an impact on me and how I wish to raise my own family. Right now, Richard and I are just a small family, but once we are out of school and where we wish to be permanently, we will start a family. And I want to apply these points to our lives in order to raise our future children well. There were actually a lot of things this conference that I learned. These two talks that I highlighted though were the ones that had the most impact on me. And I hope that in some way I've been able to have some impact on your lives as well. Even if this is just a small blog.